Friday, February 1, 2008

first month

Welcome February:

still cold
longer days
my birthday
promise of spring
beautiful sunrises
attributes of God
seeing those I love
knowing God
being loved and loving

I took the picture this morning. The sunrise "took my breath away." I thought I would share it with you.

Continuing in the subject of "knowing God," I will be writing about the attributes of God. We determined last month that we can know God and by studying His eternal attributes we can begin to know Him better. Each attribute will be backed up by Scripture.

I hit a milestone birthday this month. I will turn "60." I rejoice in the time God has given me on this earth and for all of the blessings of life. Also, I am that much closer to being in the prescence of the Lord forever and being able to praise Him as I should.

Enjoy your day and this new month....cathy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The sunrise is so beautiful !
I always know that when my birthday occurs in the 21st of Dec. we will soon see more daylight in the
evenings, don't like it when it is dark at 530p.
Keep up the good writings.