Saturday, July 5, 2008


It will probably happen tonight...the 10,000th visitor to my blog.

It may pass and I will not know who it was.

But please, please, please if you are #10,000 let me know.

It is raining and thundering and has been all afternoon. I love God's fireworks best of all.

Facebook is so much fun. If you haven't already joined up please do. There are pictures and comments and funny things......a good way to keep up with everybody. Most of the people I know have not signed up yet.....Please do.

Tomorrow I am going to write about freedom......from my perspective. I don't yet know how it will come together although I have some ideas. This is the honest truth......I never know what I will write until I sit down at the computer. I get ideas during the day and then sit down to write. that's how it goes and I love it.

Bubba just came in and proposed an evening out. I think I will take him up on it. The things he wants to do are strange, but it should be fun. Adventure thrills me so here I go.

I leave on #9,982.

From Andy Rooney to you:

Iv'e learned, not time, heals all wounds.

Isn't that marvelous? c

ps......Amanda thinks she's going to be # 10,000 and that I am going to give her $50.


Anonymous said...

I did it. Your counter came up only as site meter. I then had to go back on to see the 10000.

Cathy Cleland said...

Will the 10,000th visitor whom I have looked forward to for so long have to always remain a mystery to me?

Anonymous said...

You made it , I too would like to
see who it is even if they give
give you the City they are in.
Keep up the good work.