Monday, November 3, 2008

to think about

Tomorrow is Election Day for those of us who are honored and blessed to be citizens of this the United States of America.

We have all partook of the goodness of the Lord to have lived our lives in this nation, to be free from have the opportunity to live our lives as we choose, to be as successful as our own circumstances will let us be.

From the beginning our country has been guided and governed by the principles set forth in the word of God. We have been free to worship God as we choose with no fear of death or disaster in doing so.

Everything has been good and easy and in this ease we have been lulled to complacency. We have come to take all that we have for granted.....we have developed a certain smugness in our self-satisfied condition, and in the meantime, things have changed.

We are face to face today with the reality that tomorrow everything that we have worked for and fought for, and taken for granted, and believed in could be taken away.

The passive and subtle removal of God from every venue in our land is almost complete. Even the churches are dead and dying because men who preach God's word are afraid they may offend.

Truth is avoided at all cost as the "LIE" flourishes.

We must as believers be prepared for what lies ahead. I have prayed diligently that the Lord will have mercy on this land, but God will not contend with us forever.

This is my prayer for tomorrow:

"Save us for the sake of your name, that You might make Your power known."Psalm 106:8

I pray for a mighty display of the glory of the Lord and His power tomorrow. Praise His holy name!!


Anonymous said...

Habakkuk 3: 17-19

Anonymous said...

I was up at 4:00 AM this morning reading this passage out of God's Word. What encouragement for the times we are facing.

Habakkuk's faith in God enabled him to endure the hardships that were coming.

Thank you