Wednesday, November 26, 2008

what happens when we're not thankful?

God, through His inspired writers, has a lot to say about being thankful in His word.

He says to "be thankful in all things."
He doesn't just suggest the above, He commands it.


Because God knows that the Christian life will be difficult and that we need all the help we can get. To be thankful is to be content in agree with Him about His will for us.

The opposite of being thankful in all things is to grumble and complain about what God is doing in our lives.

Being unthankful makes us bitter, it makes us forget to show love to those around us, it makes us ugly inside and out. Being unthankful drives people away.

I am going through the most difficult time in my life right now, but I am thankful in it. I know that God is working in my life and in the lives of those involved. Every morning before I start my day I must read God's word and pray................

Psalm 16:8 "I have set the Lord continually before me; Because He is at my right hand I will not be shaken."

Without this I fail......I literally have to stop dead still in my day and remind myself of this verse.

Things not going your way? Stop and be thankful for all of your blessings instead of fighting against God. I have heard someone say many times, "Where is God? Where is God in this?" He is right there but you can't see Him because you won't accept His way in Your life.

Never be too busy to be an never know who needs you.....c

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