Thursday, April 9, 2009

i have a book

I think a lot about the truth that I know.
I think how blessed I am to know and understand God's word.
I know that many people can't make that claim.
To know and understand God's word, God Himself has to open your heart and mind.
His Spirit in you is what enables God's word to make sense to you.

This week Christians all over the world are celebrating the death, burial, and resurrection of our dear Savior Jesus Christ.

Do you understand in your heart why Jesus came to die?

That was the real, the one and only reason He was born onto this die.

He came to glorify the Father by returning to Him those whose names had been written in the book of life before the earth was even created. Jesus blood paid the price for the sin nature that we were born with and helpless to remove ourselves.

By putting our faith in Jesus Christ and the work He did on the cross for us we are assured of Eternal life with Him.

There is no other way...."I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

I have a book...maybe two....that I would like to give away.

"Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came To Die" by John Piper.

If you think this would help you, e-mail your name and address and I will send it to you free of charge.


Anonymous said...

The first paragraph of this post says it all! I copy many of your posts down that particularly speak to me. This is one of my favorites. Thank you for sharing your very real life with all of your readers. You and Bubba have a full life with ups and downs like everyone. The specialness of your blog is that you share your joys and struggles and througout it all, He is there. You are such an inspiration to go deeper and always seek to know Jesus. You apply His word in a way that is so easy to understand. So many times I have said "I get it" because of the way you explain the word of God.

Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family. Your grandbabies are beautiful!


Cathy said...

Margaret.....Thank you so much for your more than kind words. You inspire me to keep writing. It is amazing how many times I sit down to write and don't have any idea what is coming. Amazingly, I hear that it is just what some reader needs to hear at that particular time.

I love seeing the pictures of you and your family on facebook. All of you have a joyous Easter as well.