Sunday, April 26, 2009

this is lucy.....yes I know

Amanda just called and asked, "Mom, why are you not blogging?" I am blogging.......but I am deleting them for various and sundry reasons for which I cannot reveal on the blog at this time. I will tell you in person, though. Just remember to ask me.

I don't think anyone read my blog last night except for David because he has a blog reader, so I will repeat some of it at this time.

Five things I don't want anywhere near me:

sand gnats........the weather gets wonderful and here they come
flip flops........they hurt my toes and I am rebuffed by the flopping sound they make
lizards......they make me faint with fear
licking dogs........please, i can't bear the slobber
mere male acquaintances at funeral visitations who hug too long and too hard........please, I barely know you

Five things I learned this week:

Do not put your crocs in the dishwasher to clean them....they will shrink.
Do not assume that you have plenty of gas and never check the gas gauge.
Do not mention that you will do anything around Lucy that you are not prepared to do immediately.
Do not leave your doors open without expecting the bugs to come in and eat you alive.
Do not ever walk into the fresh market without expecting to leave a bunch of money behind.

We have a brand new wonderful swing down on the beach in front of our condo....spent some time in it this afternoon just looking at the ocean.



Anonymous said...

Did the wedding party get upset?

cathy said...

Oh no...someone else must have read Saturday night's blog beside David.

If you know me ask me....I will tell you, but not write about it.