Saturday, April 4, 2009

sometimes you just have to talk

Maybe it was because his mama was off having her hair cut.....
Maybe he was hungry, or tired, or just not in the mood.....
Whatever the reason, Jake just did not want to cooperate in the picture taking yesterday.

That's okay, but along with the refusal to do what he was told came some real disobedience at a level that had to be dealt with by the adult in this instance it was me.

We were in Johnson Square sitting on the bench dedicated to Johnny Mercer.
It was one of those gloriously beautiful days and all were in splendid spirits....the children were running around the fountains chasing the pigeons, laughing and squealing in their happiness.

To stop that fun and pose for pictures was not in this soon to be four year old's repertoire for the day.

So we had to sit and talk for a while about all of the alternatives that neither one of us wanted to happen.

We talked it through and Jake made the right choice of obedience over discipline.....but by that time we were all out of the mood.

"Let's go to the toy store for a while," said grammy.

I won't tell you what happened in the toy store. It was a funny, ridiculous fiasco that we laughed about all last evening. Needless to say, I was very glad to meet up with "the mommy" again.

I will try to put a few more pictures on in a little while....right now I have to take a nap.


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