Sunday, December 12, 2010


I was just down in the basement cutting evergreen branches......
the man at the tree farm said I could take all I want.
They are great to decorate with.

I love the evergreens.....
the way they
and just the scent of them.

My tree is done.
I love the warmth it brings to this home.

The evergreen tree is perfect to hold
all of the ornaments
that contain so many of the memories
that are dear to my heart.
Taking them out of their boxes
make me miss my moma so much......
but cause me to remember all the good times as well.
If you look carefully,
you may see one that you gave me.

the beauty, the wonder, the truth.......
"to live is Christ."

by the way....
as Pooh would say,
"It is a very blustery day."

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