Sunday, July 24, 2011

an alabaster vial of perfume

She was rich.
Only wealthy women could afford a vial of perfume.
The Bible tells us that she was a sinner.
Jesus Himself said,
"Her sins are many."

She came and found Jesus
reclining at the table
in the home of a very important man....
a ruler, a Pharisee, in the city.
Needless to say,
the Savior was drawing her to Himself.

She stood behind Jesus.
She was weeping.
She began to wet His feet with her tears,
and she kept wiping them with the hair of her head.
She kissed His feet,
and annointed them with the perfumed oil.

Later, after a discourse with the Pharisee concerning this woman,
Jesus looked at her and said,
"Your sins have been forgiven."

And, O priceless pronouncement,
Jesus then said this to her,
"Your faith has saved you; go in peace."

What has saved Her?
Her faith.

This woman had a tiny little grain of faith
and she based it all on the fact
that Jesus was the promised Messiah,
the Son of God.

She was broken to tears.
She fell on her face before Him.
She humbled herself to the point
of washing His feet with her tears.

Jesus, seeing her faith,
took her sins upon Himself.
He saved her and sent her away in peace.

She never said a word!

(based on Luke 7: 36~50)

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