Thursday, July 7, 2011

lucy's new haircut

Lucy is having a serious conversation with my dad.
Who knows what is passing between them,
but I love the look on her face.
The very young learn
from the very old....
and, I think, vice versa.

I threw together a broccoli-chicken casserole
this afternoon for some special guests.
Everyone liked my new rice dish
made from sweet red peppers, onions, and rosemary.
I love to prepare meals for people I love
and then linger around the table
over coffee and "a little something sweet."
Nothing like that wonderful fellowship.

After all of the work I did in my pilates class yesterday,
I am not sore at all today.
Should I be worried?

One of the greatest joys of my life
is to run up the stairs after I've been gone for a while
to see who has left me a note on e-mail
or a comment on facebook.
Thanks to all who do.

"Those that have been taught of God from their youth,
and have made it the business of their lives to honor Him,
may be sure
that He will not leave them
when they are old and gray-headed,
but will make the evil days of old age
their best days."
Matthew Henry

When I look in the mirror
I see more and more gray hairs
so I am very thankful
for the above quote.

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