Wednesday, July 13, 2011

see to your soul

This morning I woke up
with yet another infection
and was off to see my doctor,
or let's say,
I was compelled to do so.
I'm wondering if the infusions have stopped working.
This is #3 in the last six weeks.

Just woke up from one of those naps
that is feverish and otherwordly.

This is one of those blogs that I've been thinking of for a while,
but was always hindered in writing.
After writing it and rereading,
I think I know why.

We have so many physicians for our bodies......
ears, nose, throat.
Just to name a few.

At the first hint of trouble
we call an office and make an appointment
and demand to be seen immediately.
Sometimes we go just to make sure everything is okay.
We take very good care of ourselves physically.

But what about our souls?
God, in His word,
teaches that our soul,
that innermost part of us,
who we are,
will live forever.

How many of us take care
to see that our soul
is healthy and functioning as God intended?

How many are reading His word to find out what He requires.....
what will cure these sick, sinful souls of ours.
Not just reading superficially,
but studying deeply every day
to discern what are God's purposes and plans for us...
how the part of us that will live forever
can be fit and healthy...... ready for eternity.

John 3:16 speaks of eternal life.
That means living forever.

"For God so loved the world,
that He sent His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him
shall not perish but have eternal life."

Those souls
who are not trusting in Jesus
for eternal salvation will live forever too....
just not in a desirable place.
In Hell you would be in constant torment
and separated from God and His favor.

People don't talk much about Hell anymore....
would rather pretend that there is "no such place."
But I would be no friend not to warn of this catastrophe.

Jesus said it clearly in John 14:6....

"I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father (God)
except through Me."

This blog is well read......I am always amazed.
Mostly I share my life,
and my pictures,
and things I love from God's word.

This one is very serious.
Please at least consider.
I love you,

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