Saturday, June 27, 2020

Cathy & Bubba ~ Bubba & Cathy ~ Always

Bubba would be so proud.
Everything in the yard that he planted is springing forth.
Finally, the hydrangeas are blooming.
They are small but beautiful.
The crepe myrtles, his lemon trees, the geraniums are all in their glory.
Makes me miss him so much.
I wish he could see them.
I want to believe that he can!

My family has been talking to me about moving closer to them.
I have even looked at a few houses.
Found an amazing place on the marsh with an incredible view.
But, it will be so hard to leave our home.

Of all the houses we've lived in,
this has been my favorite.
Bubba let me fill it with so many beautiful things.
It is perfect.
It is filled with us, who we were together, the life we made.
It is Cathy & Bubba,
Bubba & Cathy.

I'm praying for wisdom.
I think I need a little more time before I can leave. 
I will have to pare down, get rid of many things that mean so much to me.
I will be okay.
I know that God will go before me and show me the way.
I just can't leave our last home quite yet.


I've been getting this message from blogger.
Nothing has changed yet.

Writing this blog is one of my favorite things.
I hope this change won't be a problem.
If I disappear from the blogosphere you'll know why.

So many changes.
Today has been hard.
Keeping on keeping on.
I think most of the time that I'm getting better.
Just not right now.

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