Wednesday, June 24, 2020

the story of this kitty

His name is Sirius Black from Harry Potter.
He belongs to Jake and Eli.
I like to take pictures of him.
Most every morning I text a photo with a message to my grandboys
down there in South Florida.
He, Sirius, is quite photogenic.

Sirius came to live with us back at Thanksgiving. 
Bubba had serious reservations about welcoming him into our home,
but I won the scuffle and the kitty moved in.
It was touch and go for a while but he (the cat) ultimately won both of our hearts.


I call him Artis T "Tail"er, 
Artis T for short,
 among various and sundry other silly names.
I never call him Sirius Black.
Most of the time I just call him Kitty.

Let me digress to why he came to live here at #6.
Back at the beginning of November 2019, 
a toilet malfunction caused the Hollingsworth house to flood 
with serious consequences.
All residents had to vacate including the cat.
That is what brought him to us.
"Oh Mom," said Amanda, "it will only be a few months and then we will bring him home."

Well, seven months have passed and Sirius Black is still here.
When Bubba died, everyone decided that the kitty needed to stay with me a little longer
to keep me company and help me not be so sad and alone.

After my beautiful white cat Priscilla of Tyrone passed on,
(most of you remember her as Da Guwa) 
I didn't want another cat in my house.
They shed and I have to clean the litter box and they start trying to boss you around.
But this one has taken over my heart.

The truth is though,
He IS Jake and Eli's kitty.
He needs to be reunited with his real family.
I have become very attached to him!
He is well behaved and sometimes when he looks at me I just melt.
He loves me and I love him!
He is the perfect cat for me but he needs to go home.
I will be okay!
The boys need their pet!
Jake and Eli made a huge sacrifice for their Grammy in her grief,.
I will be forever grateful to them.

*I am waiting for another favorite picture of mine to make it's way from my phone to my pictures on my computer.
It is the reason I call him "Tailer."
You'll understand when you see it if it ever gets here.

It just came...


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