Sunday, June 21, 2020

strengthen me according to Thy word

I found this verse today,
 early this morning before I left for church.
Since Bubba died I've been much in the Psalms.

"My soul weeps because of grief; 
Strengthen me according to Thy word."
Psalm 119:28

I am getting better.
The raw spots are starting to heal.
I'm beginning to think about where I will go from here.
But then weekends like this come...
Father's Day and Amanda's birthday,
The death of my husband and my children's Dad and my grandchildren's granddaddy
devastates my soul.
I am filled with grief and loneliness and a profound sense of loss.

That is when I run to the Bible.
I beg God to strengthen me with His word and He does.
The only thing that makes sense is to see all of this from God's perspective.
I ask for faith to believe that His promises are true.
God's ways are perfect and He knows what I need.
His word calms me and helps me face another day.
His word is living and powerful, you know.
It never fails to lift me out of myself.


It's pouring rain just outside of my window as I write...
one of those afternoon storms that come suddenly, out of nowhere,
 to break the intense heat of the day.
I love them but...
The thunder scared the kitty and he jumped off of my bed and ran.
Then the power went off just long enough to make the digital clocks go crazy.
Then I lost the internet.
Thankfully, I didn't lose this post I was in the middle of writing.
the storm is over and the sun is back out.
That was quick and powerful.
Kitty has disappeared to his hiding spot.
Kitty is not brave.


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