Wednesday, December 7, 2022

absolutely magical

Yesterday evening after it got dark
 I walked into my sunroom.
As you can see the lights are on and shining.
As I entered, though, 
I was met with a most unusual sight.
The lights from my tree had somehow reflected to the outside.
In this picture, 
it looks like there is a tree out back and one on the patio.

In this picture, it looks like there is a tree on the street side.
Three trees outside and one inside.
I cannot even believe how beautiful it is.
Of course, in the daylight, they are not there,
but in the darkness, a magical sight.

Many years ago, Bubba invented this tree-watering device.
He used copper piping and a funnel.
It works like a charm.
It's how I keep my live tree nice and green.
"If only" he had patented his invention and sold it back then.
But...he didn't and now you can find them in every discount store and catalog.
Missed opportunity!

Christmas brings back so many memories. 
Every year it's like opening up a big box of them.
They all jump out and some of them make me sad.
Bubba's tree waterer is an example,
It brought back all kinds of thoughts of Christmases past.

Have to get my mind focused again on Jesus.
He's the reason we celebrate!


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