Friday, December 30, 2022

Christmas Day ~ 2022

My best gift this Christmas was hot water!
I knew very early, 
as soon as I discerned there would be hot water, 
that it was going to be a wonderful day.


Since Christmas was on Sunday,
we did things a little differently this year.
David was preaching so we couldn't all get together for breakfast and present opening.
It would just be me and the Hollingswoths for the morning session.
We made our sausage and egg casserole the day before.
It was cooking and smelling delicious while the boys opened their gifts.

Jake was awake and ready.


Eli is not so much of a morning person.
That's okay.
 He got going soon after I took this pic.

Amanda got a mug.
She really loves her morning coffee.

Our Sunday worship time was a highlight.
So good to be together on Christmas Day at church with our dear ones.

After church,
 we came home,
 grabbed some leftovers, 
and rested for a bit.
Much needed rest!
By the time December 25th actually arrives,
everyone is worn slap out.


The Cleland crew arrived a little after three.
Let the next party begin!
We went in for the first session of opening presents 
and then started preparing Christmas dinner.

I had marinated a juicy, delicious steak for everyone.
David worked his magic at the grill.
Amanda and I had prepared two Hash Brown Potato casseroles the day before,
and they were ready to pop in the oven.
Mark dressed our tasty salad and we had a meal fit for kings ready in a flash.
(Maybe Wise Men?)


After dinner, we moved into our second time of opening gifts.
Some shots of my crazy grandboys waiting their turn.

David and Erika got cracked up over something.
At this point in the evening,
 we started to lose it.
Everything seemed funny, even hilarious.


This picture of David is quite fuzzy,
 but it is a perfect example of what I meant when I said we start to lose it.
This piece of fur graced one of Amanda's beautifully wrapped gifts.
Soon it was around his head topped by one of the boy's hats
which was seriously too small for his head.

It seems like Walter always gets a Baby Yoda every Christmas.

 Later, when it was dark and freezing outside, we called it a day. 
The magic of Christmas came to an end.
We were all exhausted.
But it was one of the best Christmases ever!


Christmas ~ 2022!
It was truly a magical time filled with love and laughter.
We are so blessed as a family.
Bubba is missed, but we feel him near.
Thank You, Lord, for these people who You gave me,
this family of souls that do life together.
What joy!


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