Thursday, December 29, 2022

hot water or freezing cold?

Christmas is a day to be savored.
I got up early, I always do...
Didn't want to miss a minute of our celebration.

No one else was stirring.
My first thought on waking was...
"I wonder if we will have hot water or cold water this morning?"
I waited a while before I turned on the shower.
The whole day we had planned hinged on whether hot water came out of the wall.
I didn't have high expectations.
All I knew was that it was going to be a different day if there was no hot water.

After what seemed like forever I tested and it was slightly warm.
Good sign!
Next test the water was nice and hot just like I like it,
I jumped in and didn't tarry.
Got to save some for everybody else.

All that to say.
Everybody bathed and I left the dishwasher running when we left for church.
When we got home, there was still hot water.
Today is Thursday and it is still going strong.
No more cold showers.

Nobody really knows what happened.
Most likely the freezing weather had something to do with the loss.
I am so thankful that I was not alone to deal with this.
The people that answered the helpline said they were receiving hundreds of calls.
The same thing happened to another family in our church.

Our Christmas Day was perfect.
I'll write about that next.

When it comes to real suffering this event was insignificant.
It was a minor inconvenience.
I was going to rent a hotel room for shower taking 
and put everything kitchen related in boxes in the garage till the hot water returned.
 But it sure was a blessing when I turned on the shower Christmas morning and had hot water.

Thank You, Lord God, for answering my prayer.
There is no one like You!
You are my God!
You know me!
I know You because of what Jesus did on the cross.
His blood paid the price for my sin and reconciled me to You.
Praise and worship are due Your holy name.



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