Tuesday, October 7, 2008

pansies, snap dragons, and a pot of my favorite rosemary

Lovely, are they not?

Yesterday I bought these plants to replace my summer garden which has started to look frightful and sad.

I like to look out of my window and see flowers. They are beautiful and cheerful and a reminder of God's amazing creative abilities.

Tonight Lucy and I were going to plant these lovelies, but it started to rain so we have to wait until another day. She had a hard time giving up our plans, but she did not cry and for that I commend her highly.

As I was reading my Bible this morning, I came across this verse:

"He (God) established the earth upon its foundations,
so that it will not totter forever and ever."
Psalm 104:5

Does this not thrill you right out of your chair?
I so love to read God's word and come across these kinds of verses.

Do we mere mortals ever stop and consider that this earth upon which we live is spinning on an axis in space and revolving around the sun every year?

This God who put all of life into motion is utterly and completely trustworthy.

He has been teaching me to trust Him in these last few years.
I am learning to trust Him by reading about Him in His word.

Read you Bible, people I love......read it every day. Set your goal to find out as much as you can about this God who "set this earth upon its foundation so that it will not totter forever and ever."

I love you so much......c

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