Tuesday, February 10, 2009

old quilts

I sure am sorry I have neglected my blog. I love it so much, but I have truly had a difficult year so far. Please bear with as I try to get it going again.

I am getting better physically, but I am still having those strange food cravings. It is beginning to worry me because I want banana peppers on everything and I have a raw tongue. I get really full, really fast and can't eat much, but then get hungry quickly.

My sleeping is not normal. I am have strange dreams and wake up frequently. I think all of the bad illnesses so close together messed up my body chemistry. I have been sitting in the sun at lunchtime and it is very restorative to me. It just feels so good after all of these cold days.

I want to take my bicycle to get the tires fixed so that I can start riding again.....I need to build up my stamina. I am also being careful to take my vitamins.....so there you go.

The quilt above is very dear to me. It is made from scraps of pajamas that Bubba slept in when he was a little boy. We use it every winter. The quilt pieces are starting to break apart and the stuffing is coming out. It needs to be repaired but I don't have the expertise. If anyone knows someone who repairs these lovelies, please let me know.

Thank you all so much for reading.......I really am going to write a book......I already know what it is going to be about, but it is a secret for now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will be in our thoughts and prayers today.