Monday, July 19, 2010


a large, scaly amphibious reptile similar to the crocodile.
Sadly, I don't like anything shaped like this. (the lizard shape)
Last evening, on our bike ride over at Hilton Head, we saw these guys up close.
They have an evil look in their eyes,
as if they are stalking and ready to attack.
I think the only reason that first one didn't come charging
was because he simply wasn't hungry.
As a bit of comic relief, if you look closely,
he had a piece of pine straw on his snout.
Just a few days earlier,
one of these big guys was found playing in the waves at the main beach area.
Thankfully, according to Lisa, he was
wrestled to the sand,
duct taped,
and carted off.
I am now rethinking my fearless surf swimming.
see previous post today....

1 comment:

Allison said...

This is why I enjoy water parks so marine life!!!