Sunday, July 4, 2010

true & lasting freedom

I came across this scene in the Bonaventure Cemetery last week.
A small tribute to a few soldiers.
So many suffered...
too many died,
fighting for the freedoms that we enjoy today.

I say to you on this Independence Day that we are not truly free....
not until we know the truth of God's word.

Yes we live in the USA.
We experience and take for granted
freedoms that other nations only dream of........
but these freedoms are tenuous.
Godless leaders will give them away for the price of a vote.
We cannot assume that we will have our freedom forever.

God says this in John 8:32.......

"If you abide in My word (the Bible),
you are truly my disciples,
and you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free."

The freedom that comes from being in God's word,
which is absolute truth,
knowing it,
believing it,
and trusting in God's provision in Jesus Christ,
is freedom that can never be taken away.

To know Christ is to be free indeed.

Looking for my babies to come up the driveway in just a little while.
Nothing is better than that!!!!

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