Thursday, November 4, 2010

it's time to light some candles

Ever since we moved from our house in Fayetteville,
I have been without a fireplace.
The warmth and glow of a fire
has always been one of my favorite things.

On Sunday, Daylight Savings Time will be gone,
and darkness will fall an hour sooner each night.

My next best greatest effort is to light candles in the evening.
It doesn't take the place of the "place"
but it does provide a glow on a smaller scale.
my dream is to one day have a fire in my home again.

The lights above are on the roof of the little porch.
Bubba strung wire and then attached lights to shine overhead.
Another attempt to light my world.

"like a million little stars spelling out your name" "Untouchable" Taylor Swift
love this song....

I read this morning....

"For Thou dost light my lamp;
The Lord my God illumines my darkness."
Psalm 18:28

It is the light of God in my life that dispels the gloom of darkness.
Without Him we would have no sun to light our days....
there would be no way to get the light of His truth to our souls.

"God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all."

Tonight I thank Him for the light of day
and the light of His truth that is in my heart and mind.


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