Thursday, June 16, 2011


I love this picture.
One of summer's bounties
is sweet, fresh, corn on the cob
dripping with salt and real butter.
Who can resist such a treat?
Certainly not this crew.....
attendees at a recent dinner party.

Went back to the dentist today
to receive my crown.....
remember now, it's a three in one.
Temporary crown off,
more poking
and prodding.
Gums still extremely sore from two weeks ago.

Finally, it's time for the placement
of the crown into my gums.

"Doctor, do all crowns feel like Mt. Vesuvius in the mouth?"
"Oh, we just need to grind it down a little."

crown jammed back in,
horrible pain,
tap, tap, tap.
Crown removed
crown jammed back in,
horrible pain,
tap, tap, tap.
On & on this scenario goes.

Doctor leaves, comes back and says.
"The model that they made of your mouth is backwards...
no wonder this thing doesn't fit."

Temporary crown cemented back on
causing more pain
and then I choked
while she was chipping off the dried cement.

Have to go back next week and try again.

I asked this question at the end,
"How often does THIS happen?"
"Almost never" was the answer.

anomaly...that's me.

Here's the latest on Ethiopia...

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