Friday, September 20, 2013

lets go fly a kite

It really did have a happy ending.
The kite got up high in the sky
and flew proudly on the wind currents
to our heart's delight.

I love September at the beach...
most of the crowds are gone,
the humidity goes away,
and the beach becomes pristine and beautiful.

Thanks for bearing with me in these last few months.

We have moved Estelle,
Helped Amanda and Mark to be able to move in three weeks flat,
and then ourselves....
back to back to back 
with no time in between.

It has been a trying, tiring, tumultuous time.
It got to the point,
after we moved in,
that I just needed some time to work quietly,
to gather my thoughts about how we wanted this house to be,
and to recuperate from a physically hard stressful time.

We are starting to feel better,
although Bubba's headaches worry me a little,
and, of course,
 the normal trials of life continue.

Just this and I will close...

"And we know that all things work together for good 
to those who love God, 
to those who are the called according to His purpose." 
 Romans 8:28

What a promise!
The good times and the bad times and the easy times and the hard times
all work together for good for those who love God,
for those who are the called
according to His purpose.

With love & thanksgiving,

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