Sunday, September 22, 2013

out of the blue

very unexpectedly,
something comes at me completely out of the blue 
and knocks me down on my face.
Lying there in the puddle of my befuddlement,
I seek my own devices for a while....
a feeling of helplessness.
about halfway through this dilemma,
I am drawn to God's word .
Why does it always take me a while to get there?

God's word talks sense to my soul
and drives me to my knees
to ask Him for forgiveness and wisdom.
It is only then that I can see clearly what to do next.

I went to my bookshelf.....
it is makeshift right now,
actually it is in our closet on Bubba's side.
(He raised his eyebrows when he first saw my books there.)

It was dark...
my hand reached for a book.
(the shutters are supposed to be put in tomorrow),
I will write what He led me to read.

We don't grow in Christ when things are easy.
We grow and mature in Him
when life throws you to the ground
and you have to seek Him to stand up again.

Thankful tonight for troubles
that teach me 
what I desperately need to know.

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