Tuesday, September 10, 2013

the wedding night....

.....from Les-Mis.

I will pass this book on to Erika.
Before I do,
this passage is written for my remembrance.
This is beautiful upon beautiful.

"There must be glimmers above houses like this one.
The joy they contain
must escape through the stones of the walls
as light,
and dimly streak the darkness.

This sacred and fateful celebration
is simply bound to send
a celestial shimmer into infinity.

Love is the sublime crucible
in which a man and a woman melt together,
the one being, the triple being,
the final being
the human trinity result.

This birth of two souls into one must move deep night.
Something of this joy travels up to God.
Wherever there is a real marriage,
meaning where there is love,
the ideal is involved.

If it were given to our eye of flesh and blood
to see the fearsome and lovely sights of the higher life,
we would probably see the forms of the night,
winged strangers,
the blue bystanders of the invisible,
bend down,
a throng of dark heads, 
over the luminous house
pointing out to each other,
sweetly alarmed,
the virgin bride,
and wearing the reflection of human bliss on their divine faces.

If at that supreme moment,
the newlyweds,
dazed with sensual rapture and believing themselves alone,
were to listen,
they would hear in their room the muted sounds of fluttering wings.
Perfect happiness implies the solidarity of angels.

This little dark nook
is overhung by the whole heavens.
When two mouths, sanctified by love,
come together to create,
that ineffable kiss is simply bound to set
the mysterious stars
shuddering throughout immensity.

This is real bliss.
There is no joy beyond these joys."

Oh my,
the powerful stirring of my soul
by this author's words.

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