Thursday, September 12, 2013

storm over the marsh

I really like this painting....
It is by James Way.
I want to hang it in our bedroom on the gray walls.
This would be for the me that loves 
and clouds,
 and thunder and lightning, 
and most of all rain.
I want it to be big, like my barn picture.
When we drive to the beach (like last evening)
and I can look at the rivers and creeks snaking through the marsh,
it always takes my breath away.
I would love to see this view from above....
one day in a helicopter maybe?

How can we follow our conscience, Pope Francis?
The Bible tells us that our heart is
"deceitful above all things and desperately wicked;"
"Who can know it?"
Jeremiah 17:9

This wicked heart can surely deceive and convince us
 that anything it desires is okay....
any path we choose to traverse is good and right
if only it makes us feel happy.

What nonsense!
What a cop out and a denial of the truth.
Hard to believe?

This world is already far down that pathway...
"If it feels right, do it."

For believers
truth is found in God's word,
not our deceitful and wicked heart.
We trust His word....not our conscience.

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