Saturday, March 20, 2021

do you ever find it hard to breathe?

Some days I find it hard to breathe.
On days when I take my eyes off of the truth of God's word,
my breaths are shallow, labored.
They don't go down deep enough into my lungs to bring comfort.

The last few days and months and year have been so hard.
I never expected to be on my own at age 72.
To have to learn everything over again, some things for the very first time.
Sometimes I find it hard to breathe even a calming breath.
The waves of despair have washed over me.
The dark night of grief and loneliness have at times overwhelmed me.
Apart from God's Word and His grace
 I sink down in the waters of gloom where indeed it is hard to breathe.

I heard this song for the first time a few days ago.
It was like solace for my soul.

"You're amazing,
Love's open door.
When I'm empty You fill me with hunger for more.
Of Your Mercy,
Your goodness...
Lord, You are the air that I breathe.
That's who You are to me."

I can't breathe apart from You, O Lord.
Help me to keep my mind and my heart focused.
In Christ I can breathe deeply of His grace and mercy.
The breath of life comes from God.

"Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground,
 and breathed into His nostrils the breath of life, 
and man became a living being."
Genesis 2:7

I have a little metal cut-out sign that says simply, breathe.
If I could find it after the move I would share a picture.
It always sits before me, reminding me to breathe.
Someone once laughed at this sign.
How silly that you need to be reminded to breathe.
What I need is to be reminded that God is the very air that I breathe.
He gives me my next breath.
Life is from Him.
I never want to lose sight of that truth.


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