Saturday, March 13, 2021

I have morning light and the internet

I just spent the first night in my new home.
I woke up this morning to an abundance of light.
I had a comfortable night.
Amanda and Erika and Lucy spent the day yesterday here fitting this place out for habitation.
The boys were running shuttles of boxes from the vans up to my new apartment.
It was like a house reveal on HGTV when I entered last night.
It was warm and beautiful,
Many of my familiar things had been placed,
every detail attended to.
David and Mark and Glen got the big stuff hauled up the stairs with no injuries.
All of it a huge answer to prayer.

My world has been turned upside down.
Bubba's death and leaving my home (safe place),
 and all of the pain from my injuries have been hard,
 but I have safely landed where I will be for a while.
Change is good, right?
 There will be time to rest and recuperate in the days ahead.

Life is a journey.
We're all headed for eternity.
This is another stop along the way.
Trust Him and He will make His way plain before you.
God is good all the time.
I praise Him and worship Him this morning.
Morning light is His light flooding my soul with peace and joy.


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