Saturday, March 6, 2021

out of the race

Cockspur Lighthouse ~ Tybee Island, Georgia
I just love this photo!

Everything was going so well with the move.

With a little over a week to wrap things up,
we had the finish line in sight,
 and while I was not running at a sprint, 
I was getting it done.
 I could see the light at the end of the tunnel...
 until yesterday morning at a little after nine.

I had just finished making a box in which to store my treasured shell collection.
That is such a Bubba thing.
He was always making somebody a box for this or that reason.
I was exquisitely proud of what I had done.
One more finished storage project.

I decided then to go upstairs to get some wrapping paper to wrap Eli's birthday present.
He's turning 14 tomorrow.
David was already here transporting "ready boxes" to our vans.
Erika was coming and we would make a trip to the storage house to unload and then treat ourselves to lunch at Cancun, a favorite Mexican haunt of ours.
I had gone upstairs to bring down the birthday wrapping paper.

I made it to the next to the last step and then bam!!!
I heard a loud crash.
Me and the tub of paper had crashed to the floor and slid about four feet into the wall.
David was outside.
He came in chatting and found me laying on the floor.
He thought I was doing something to get ready for the move.

To make this rather long story short,
I had knocked myself cuckoo,
hurt my shoulder and my hip,
and knocked a good size hole in the wall.

For me, all work has stopped.
When we decided that nothing was broken (I hope),
they laid me out on the bed, 
brought ice packs and pain meds,
and made me promise to do no more work.

I am sidelined.
My shoulder hurts the worse but it is not broken (I hope),
My hip hurts but it is not broken either. (I know for sure).
I feel like I have been hit by a train,🚅
and I am so, so sad to be out of the race for even a day or two or three.
Reinforcements are coming Monday.
So thankful!

Remembering Bubba's funeral.
March 6, 2020
Wish you were here to help me. 
There was nobody better than you for me.


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