Tuesday, May 17, 2022

a tale of a van and a garage and me

I worked really hard to clean out my new garage.
My goal was to be able to put my van inside at night.
On a Friday afternoon about two weeks ago I accomplished my goal.
I had it washed inside and out.
(didn't want to bring tons of that nasty yellow pollen inside)
Everything was ready for the long-awaited entry.

This is the entry.
My garage has two garage doors that are on the small side to say the least.
I came from a garage with one large door.
I could just pull in with no abandon.
Footloose and fancy-free.
In and out in a flash.
Not so here.
I got the van in by being very careful.
I had to inch my way along.
Satisfied with my achievement, I put the garage doors down with a flourish,
"You can do hard things, Cathy!"

I didn't need to go anywhere until Sunday morning.
I keep the nursery for the Sunday School workers every week.
Little did I know that getting out of the garage would take me an eternity.
I backed out and pulled in over and over again.
My much loved Culligan water system is to the left of the door.
I was so afraid I was going to knock it out of commission.
With much precision and tenacity, I finally got free.
Of course, my neighbor was walking by and saw the whole ordeal.
I found out later that she won't even try to pull her car in or back it out.
Her husband does it for her.
 Knowing this made me feel a little better.

Here are the indelible tire marks that will forever remind me of my folly.
(from the new asphalt that they laid down recently).

The van has not been back in the garage.
I am formulating my next plan in my head.
For now, it will sit outside.
I need a smaller vehicle.
The "tank" is too big for my garage doors.
I refuse to pay the hugely inflated prices.
It is a dilemma.
Waiting, always waiting!


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