Thursday, May 12, 2022

my first hydrangea at my new house and a few more easter

This beauty was one of my Mother's Day gifts.
I love the colors.
God was so creative when he designed flowers.
The colors that He chose are glorious.
Now I need to decide where it will thrive best in my yard.
I'm so very glad to have the internet to clue me in on such things.

Easter feast!
I love islands.
They make the best place for serving large crowds.
We had filled it up with delicious food.

Walter and Ruthie chowing down.

Gus and Charis on that famous mound of dirt outside my bedroom window.
Lucy and I had hidden lots of eggs in and around that area.

No golden eggs were hidden there though.

Erika and David were convinced that the golden egg was hidden inside my car.
I had parked it on the side of my house and left it unlocked
which they noted was not something I would do.
No egg was inside the car,
 but David found several things that had been lost since the move.
I almost cried when I saw the little bird that got knocked off one of my favorite lamps.
Harry found the golden egg-containing $10 though.
It was taped to the top of the front right tire.

Charis found the $20 golden egg in my freezer in the garage.
It was my best hiding place ever.
I had to practically drag them there to look.
We had to play the hot and cold game.
No one suspected it would be hidden in the freezer.

I had concealed the golden egg in this bag.
I filled it with a small pine cone.
Greatest hiding place ever.

Archie found the most eggs.
The background is my garage before came.

Ruthie won the prize for finding the least eggs.

That's all for Easter 2022.
I'm thankful for the memories.
Life is very sweet and good when you are surrounded by friends and family!

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