Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mother's Day!

 I know it wasn't a coincidence
 that this was the passage I studied in my quiet time with the Lord this morning.

"But there were standing by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother's sister, and Mary Magdalene.
When therefore Jesus saw His mother
and the disciple whom He loved (John) standing nearby,
He said to His mother,
'Woman behold your son!'

Then He said to the disciple,
'Behold your mother!'
And from that hour the disciple took her into his own household."
John 19: 25-27

"The incident recorded in these verses is wonderfully touching and affecting.
Even in this trying season of bodily and mental agony, 
our blessed Lord did not forget others.
 He had not forgotten His brutal murderers but had prayed for them:
'Father forgive them for they know not what they do." 
He had not forgotten His fellow sufferers by His side.
When one of the crucified criminals cried out to him,
'Lord remember me,'
Jesus at once answered him and promised a speedy entrance into paradise.

And now he did not forget His mother.
He saw her standing by the cross
and knew well her distress,
and felt tenderly for her desolate condition 
left alone in a wicked world after having lost such a Son.
He therefore commended her to the care of John,
 His most loving and tender-hearted, and faithful disciple.
He told John to look on her as his mother,
and told His mother to look on John as her son.
No better and wiser arrangement could have been made in any way.
None would care so much for the mother of Jesus as the disciple whom Jesus loved.
No home could be more suitable to Mary."

JC Ryle
Expository Thoughts on the Gospels
Volume Four
John 19: 25-27

I love this so much!

Jesus loved His sweet mother and took such good care of her.
I am so blessed to have children that love me like this!
Thank You, Lord God, for Your tender mercies to me.

Happy, Happy Mother's Day!


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