Sunday, September 28, 2008

i'll find you something to do

When David and Amanda were growing up I never let them say, "I'm bored."
I would always say in response, "If you are bored I will find you something to do."
Even to this day I cringe when someone says that they are bored.

We live in a world whose primary motive is to entertain us. Satan knows that if he can distract us from God and His word that he can have his way with us. Remember, Satan's primary goal is to destroy the work of God and to take as many people to hell with him as possible.

It's like we have to be doing something exciting all of the time or we cannot be happy. We are overly stimulated by the electronic world that we live in and when there is a lull in activity we become bored and agitated.

From my notes on the pastor's sermon this morning:

"The best way to conquer boredom is to nurture a sense of wonder."

O friends, here is the answer to boredom and depression and anxiety.......

Look at the heavens and mediate upon the awesome power of God. Think about how big is the universe and how small we are.

Look at a flower and know that all man can make is a cheap, ugly imitation.

Look at the sun that God created and realize that without its warmth we could not live.

Look at a newborn baby (little Brett) and marvel at the fact that God formed him in his mother's womb......knit him together there to be a tiny human life.

Look at the vastness of the ocean and know that it's waves will not come one inch closer than God ordains them too.

Look death squarely in the face and know that it is not the end but only the beginning for those of us who are believers in God's Son Jesus Christ.

Read God's word every day and wonder at the truth that is there. How God wrote this book and perserved it for us so that we can know His plan and purpose for us as we sojourn on this earth.

Every page is a wonder in itself.

One of my favorite phrases is "the wonder of it all."

No one can possibly be bored who knows the God of the universe and His precious Son Jesus.

Don't ever tell me you're bored......I'll find you something to do....cathy

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