Sunday, September 14, 2008

the sun is setting and its time to go home

I think my most prized secular possession is my Canon Rebel.
I love to write and I like to take pictures........these are fulfilling hobbies that bring me joy.
God wants us to enjoy this life that He has given us as we prepare to spend eternity with Him. The good things are but a fraction of a foretaste of what he has prepared for us in heaven.
We took one more opportunity yesterday afternoon to enjoy the beach and the ocean. It was one of those days that take one's breath away.
As I go out into the surf I always say a little prayer asking God to protect us from the sharks. There is no way that those creatures are going to keep me out of the sultry, salty water. I truly love the experience of the ocean too much to give it up.
David, unfortunately, was stung by a beastly jellyfish leaving him with a red rash all over the bottom of his leg and on his foot. We pried the trusty beach patrol away from a gaggle of bikini clad girls long enough for him to get a spray of a new concoction that is supposed to take away the sting.
The sting didn't stop us though, as he was able to stop by the Sugar Shack on the way home and buy us all ice creams to go.
In the morning Bubba and I are taking off for a trip to Florida. We will be gone until the end of the week or maybe longer if the mood strikes......
God is so good and so worthy to be praised. To Him be glory forever and ever......
Your friend, Cathy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You love to write and we love to read
and the pictures are great!
Keep up the good work, bring us
back some pictures of Florida.