Monday, March 30, 2009

remember sniglets?

Back in the eighties we used to laugh ourselves to the ground over sniglets. They were words that were made up to have a funny and unexpected meaning. We had a couple of books filled with sniglets.....always a source of good laughing material.

Bubba got our taxes ready to go to our accountant today. Her confirmation of receipt sent by e-mail contained this sniglet:

Intaxication - Euphoria at getting a tax refund which lasts only until you realize it was your money to begin with.

Of course she didn't call it a sniglet....but that is what it is.

The only other sniglet that I remember offhand is nerkle - people who leave their Christmas lights/decorations up way past the time they should have been taken down.

We must find those books so that we can laugh again.

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