Monday, March 23, 2009

this elevator is going no where

Bubba and I just got cracked completely up.

We had driven into town to do a few errands......he ran the errands, I sat in the car and ate a blizzard from the Dairy reward for being so sick and not getting out much lately.
Sadly it was too sweet and I couldn't eat much of it.

While driving back to the beach, I made the comment that we really live far out on an island in the middle of the ocean which ensued into a conversation about the many logistical aspects of Tybee Island itself.

I say that to say that we were not "arguing" with each other about anything.

Upon arriving at the condo, I ran to get the elevator and Bubba stayed back to retrieve the bags of goodies that we had bought.

Well.....the elevator came and Bubba continued to stand by the van. I finally whistled for him to come on because the elevator really wanted to get going.

The whistle did not set well with Bubba at all. He finally came and the elevator door closed behind him. We proceeded to throw insults back and forth at each other for a while before we realized that no one had pressed the bottom to the third floor.

There we were closed up in the elevator box arguing about who was right and who was wrong, just standing still on the first floor. This struck both of us as hilarious. It was one of those healing belly laughs that continue on just by thinking about it.

Needless to say all of that laughing ended the "dispute."

He did provoke me again when he threw his old deodorant holder in the trash can. It sounded like he had started remodeling the bathroom by jackhammering the walls.

God blessed our evening with of my favorite things.


1 comment:

Cherie said...

This was one of the funniest stories! Thanks for being so honest with us!