Friday, July 10, 2009

after the storms.......

The blue is bluer....the green is greener.

Our beach has an absolute glow after the storms of the last few days. The sea is almost black with big, foamy, white waves rolling in to bring the high tide. Big balls of foam were blowing across the glittering sand as the slant of the setting sun caught all of it on fire. God, your creation is amazing.

Bubba and I went on a stroll down the beach just now to see if the Rushings were still encamped in the big house a few doors down, but there was no sign of them.

There have many many storms in my life in the last few years.........raging battles in my heart that could not be quieted. The truth about storms is that only God can calm them. They will rage until He speaks and only then will they die down.

"He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed." Psalm 107: 29

The truth about life is that there will always be storms....storms in the atmosphere and storms in our hearts.
The miracle of my heart is that He is finally calming my storms.

It is hard work......."work out your salvation with fear and trembling" the Bible tells us. It requires much time in prayer and in His word. It requires much suffering. It doesn't come easily, but somehow you know that He is working in there.

That's were I am folks........... that's how I'm getting through the trials that I wrote about yesterday.

Today I stand in His grace and His grace alone.


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