Sunday, July 12, 2009

"His sovereignty rules over all"

The word of God did it's convicting work in my heart while I was sitting quietly listening to our pastor preach from the first chapter of Isaiah this morning.

"The Lord has established His throne in the heavens; and His sovereignty rules over all." Psalm 103:4

"Therefore the Lord God of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel declares, 'Ah, I will be relieved of My adversaries, and avenge Myself on My foes.' " Isaiah 1:24

In the last few posts I have commented on the crushing weight of sin and how it has destroyed my family. There is in my writings a pervasive sense of how this sin has affected me. Much to my dismay, I have not even thought about how this sin offends our great God.

Oh to be that person who chooses not to sin because it grieves and offends God ...... that I would never do, say, or think anything that would dishonor His name.

Hard work....but possible because of the Holy Spirit. Possible by abiding daily with Him in His word and ceaseless praying.

God has made provision for our sin in the person of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Out of our profound love for Him for His "indescribable gift" should flow naturally the desire to bring glory and honor to His name.

God always deals with sin.......I will wait for Him!!

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