Tuesday, September 29, 2009

glimpses of heaven on earth

Every once in a while I avail myself of the wisdom of my pastor in matters concerning my father.
I am thankful for the encouragement and insight that God gives me through this godly man.

Last week, just before we left to go to help Amanda, was one of those times.
He talked to me about those moments when we get a tiny glimpse of heaven on this earth.

Here are a few of those precious moments:

When a grandchild catches a glimpse of me
and comes running down the hall in full abandon for a hug.

When I'm reading God's word
and the Holy Spirit reveals a previously unknown, amazing truth.

When a two year old plants a kiss on my cheek and says,
"I wove you gwammy."

When the one you love meets your glance across a room
and you know, you just know.

When I'm walking on the beach and the waves shout praises to His name.

When the sun peeks up over the ocean at first light
signaling the start of yet another day of God's faithfulness.

Can you just imagine what heaven will be like?

I wove you

( photo by Erika )

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