Monday, September 7, 2009

humpty ~ dumpty

I feel like humpty ~ dumpty.......trying to put everything back together again.
Mostly I am trying to get all of my favorites back on my computer.
I lost them ~ I found them again...
And now I am trying to restore them to their rightful place.

I miss my favorites.
I like the luxury of having everything I like to browse at my fingertips:

hurricane tracking charts
local news
pastor's blogs
a few blogs that I keep up with
fox news
my favorite store sites
amanda's ebay sight
the rental company for our condo

just to name a few.

I saw the other day that there is a place in Seattle where you can go if you are addicted to the Internet. I don't think I'm to the point of needing to go yet........but I may be getting close.

If I disappear for a while you will know where I am.


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