Thursday, February 10, 2011

bare trees.....

It is probably already knew that.
One of the things I like about winter
is getting to see the trees completely undressed.
I love the silhouette of a bare tree
against the white gray of the winter sky.
What is most exciting
is to see a bird's nest in full view.
For all the work mama bird did in the spring
to hide her lowly home away,
in winter it is on full display up high
in the naked branches for all to see.

bare thoughts......
Did you notice in an earlier blog
that I called myself an old girl?
When I look at my age
I realize that I have been around for a long time.
My goodness, I've gotten to celebrate sixty~two Christmases.
But in my heart I still feel like a girl.
I like that.

a quote ....
"Dance like no one is looking....
Sing like no one can hear you....
Love like you can't be hurt."

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