Thursday, April 14, 2011

it's finally almost here

Tomorrow at 11:00 am
David and Erika
leave for Ethiopia, Africa,
to meet their little boy Gus for the first time.
We all can hardly contain the excitement and joy.

The home front will be held down by
Bubba, Amanda, and myself.
Bubba will do the meals,

Amanda will be in charge of
coming up with fun and exciting
activites for each day,

And I, well I, will provide
love and support in all of these endeavors.

Oh, and Amanda will handle and dispense discipline
according to the guidelines found in God's word.

I foresee swimming in the condo's heated pool,
lots of easter egg dying & hunts,
trips to the playground,
picnic lunches, etc.

Survival possibilities for a week of this?
Good if I can just get my sleep at night.

Here's the truth:
It is as you do for others
that you are blessed and find contentment.
and prayer....lots of prayer.

Let me add the link to the adoption blog.
David is going to try to keep us posted while they are over.


Allison Stroud said...

Praise the Lord! i've been praying for them :)

Cathy Cleland said...

so thankful for those prayers....i'm praying that you will find that motivation you been looking for and finish well. love you!