Monday, January 26, 2015


I have read 26 Psalms on this 26th day of January ~ 2015.
In this reading I have come across
the word refuge
9 times.

The word refuge in the Psalms
refers to God.
God is our refuge.

Webster defines refuge like this....
"Shelter or protection from danger or distress."

God is our refuge,
our safe place in the storms of life.
He is where we should run when we are in trouble or distress,
when the circumstances of our life are not what we want them to be.

The world has plenty of places that we run swiftly to when we hurt,
but they do not last, they give no real relief or help.
People turn to all sorts of things,
drugs and alcohol,
movies and TV,
All of these distract for a while,
but they don't bring lasting relief.
They only cause us to want more and more
to try and feel better,
to escape the cares of the world.

The Bible says that God is our safe place...
the right place to run
when we are overwhelmed with life.

In His word,
God has given us
"Everything we need for life and godliness."
The answers for all of life's hard questions are in His word.
Do you run to it as your only safe place,
or do you seek after the things of this world?

There is peace for the heart
and life for the soul 
contained in the pages of His word.
Run there!

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