Saturday, December 1, 2007

again, why we need a savior

God existed in eternity past. Before He spoke and made the earth, He already knew that man was going to rebel against Him and sever the relationship that He had planned for them to love Him and enjoy Him forever.

God created the angels before He created the earth. The angels were to do His bidding and minister to His creation.

One of the angels wanted to be equal with God. This angel, who was known as Lucifer, and other angels who joined with him rebelled against God and were kicked out of heaven.

Lucifer is one and the same with the serpent who approached Eve with his cunning lies. He came down to earth to establish himself as the ruler of God's creation. His desire was to destroy the work of God in creation. He thought he had won.

God is omniscient. God knows all things, and His knowledge is always absolute knowledge. It is perfect knowledge, a complete knowledge of everything.

Ephesians 1:4 "According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world."

Before the earth was created, God already had His "plan of redemption" for His creation in place.

God the Father, God's Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit all met together in a holy council and at that time God designated His Son Jesus Christ to defeat Satan (Lucifer) and reconcile man back to God.

Just think about this and how it shows God's great love for all who would be brought into existence after the world was created.

I've mentioned this before........before we can understand what Jesus did, we have to know God.

To be continued.............

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