Monday, May 19, 2008

"come outside and calm your soul'

I gave this book to Bubba for his birthday on Saturday. He was done with it last night and he handed it to me to read. I must say that I cannot put it down.

Yesterday and today were designated "rest days" for me by my husband. My Chicago babies are coming on Wednesday and he wants me to be in good shape for their visit. So what is my activity of choice? Reading this book (and sleeping a little bit).

As of right now I have read 136 pages and I will be reading on into this night. The book is fiction. It was written by Joel C. Rosenburg. The Washington Times says it this way, ".....his novels seem to be ripped from the headlines ---next years headlines."

Joel is a Christian and writes from that perspective intertwining prophecy from Scripture into his books. This one is chilling and fascinating. You may want to consider this read.

I have taken to riding my bike around and about in the late evening. It is relaxing and interesting. Sometimes I stop and tour houses that are built and not sold. A few of them have gone into foreclosure.......brand new beautiful homes. This is a sure sign of the times we are living in.

I mentioned a couple of blogs ago about the return of Jesus. We are to be watching diligently for His imminent return. We are to be preparing because when He actually appears it will be too late. We let so many things distract us, don't we.

I read this verse this morning; Paul speaks to the Corinthians and to us:

"But I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purpose of devotion to Christ." II Corinthians 11:3

Let's purpose in our hearts and minds to seek Christ every day in His word and in prayer.

A single-minded, simple devotion to Him.

Someone once said, "Come outside and calm your soul."

Do it.....take a deep breath and let the cares of the world go their way. We are waiting for the King to come. Nothing else really matters but that one single event.

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