Thursday, May 15, 2008

tired moma

Company is coming in tonight.

Robbie and Mary Ann will be arriving soon.

I have worked all day to get the house clean and ready. My absolute worst job is to clean the floors. I always put it off until I can't put it off any longer. Today was the day it had to be done.

For some reason I have to get on my hands and knees to do this job. Nothing else works for me. So, I let it get really bad and then I torture myself. Please contact me if you have devised a better way.

We are gathering to celebrate Aunt Dottie's 89th birthday on Saturday. Bubba and Robbie will be celebrating their birthdays as well. Our little grandson Jake will be celebrating his third birthday tomorrow, but he will be far away in Virginia. We will miss him.

I love to entertain and hopefully this will be a fun time for all.

On an entirely different note, Bubba is reading a book that J.C. Ryle wrote about the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Mr. Ryle makes the point in the first chapter that we don't think on this truth often enough.

As a matter of fact most of us never think about it at all as we live our busy lives.

But Jesus is literally coming back to this earth in the same way that He left it after His resurrection. That is the promise He gave us. His return will be sudden. There will be no preliminary fanfare to tell us to get ready. Our time to prepare is now, while we are living our life on this earth.

How would we live our lives differently if we were to dwell on the assurance that His appearing could happen at any moment.

Would you be ready? Ponder this question.

Please contact me if you have any doubts as to your readiness. When Jesus returns it will be too late.

"Now is the time - today is the day of salvation!

caring about your soul.....cathy


Anonymous said...

for your floor I would suggest getting a swiffer.

Cherie said...

I feel the same as you...I put it off as long as I can. I always got on my hands and knees too. But, I have recently changed my mind. I feel like my floor gets cleaner if I use a rag mop and bucket with Murphy's Wood soap. If you don't have a wood floor, then a bucket with a little soap and just a tiny bit of floor wax makes a nice shiny floor. I agree with anonymous and the swiffer for quick touch-ups.