Wednesday, October 28, 2009

beware of the shark

The real "Nemo" and the real "Dorie" at Epcot

These pictures of Jake and the shark represent the only time I freaked out while we were at Disney. He and I were alone when Jake started climbing into the shark's mouth.
At first I thought it would be a great picture and I took a few shots. The next thing I knew he had fallen on these teeth and was screaming. I dropped everything, pulled him out, and laid him out on a bench.
I couln't find anybody. ( they were calmly enjoying a turtle show) I just knew he had sustained internal injuries. I was getting ready to call 911 when he roused up, stopped crying, and asked to go back to play on the shark again.
All Jake had to show for this mishap was an imprint of a large tooth on his stomach for a couple of hours.
It took me half a day to recover.

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