Thursday, October 8, 2009

this is what little boys do

I had my second blood infusion yesterday.
The nurse came here to the condo this time.
I have to say that this session was much less painful.
I could actually lay on my stomach last night.
They say it takes on into the second month to begin to see results.
I am thankful for just the hope of being really well again.
Amanda and I took the boys to the "B Street Salon" for haircuts this morning.
This is undoubtably the best salon ever/anywhere.
I have treated many to haircuts here and all have been delighted.
They came out looking great.
There was some crying and bribing that took place, but it was worth it.
An "Erika" photo session will be happening all day tomorrow at various locations around the beach and in downtown Savannah.......with an interlude for napping here at the condo.
Now we just have to hope that the little lovelies will cooperate.
Usually when I try to take a picture and say, "Look at grammy," they look the other way and never trun back to the camera. We'll see how they do tomorrow.
Have you ever wondered why God blesses us?
"God blesses us, that all the ends of the earth may fear Him." Psalm 67:7
God blesses us to cause others to honor Him as the great God of the universe. When others see how God blesses us it will draw them to Himself.
blessings to you, cathy

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