Friday, May 7, 2010

the eight pound oreck

has revolutionized my life.
I told Bubba on the last house cleaning day that I could no longer manage.
The behemoth had worn me down.
It was....
too heavy and
instead of sucking it was spitting.

Today I got an early Mother's Day gift....
It's pictured with me above.

It actually picks up the dirt and dust on the floor and keeps it within itself.
I could not be a happier mother.

I traced my path back on Abercorn Street today.
There was no sign of the flattened turtle.
I think it was not really injured and made it's way safely to the other side of the road.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

David called a little while ago and said....
put on a pot of coffee...we're bringing cupcakes.
There is a new bakery shop on Skidaway and they had stopped by.
Six different flavors....I got red velvet.
What a nice sweet surprise!

What a good day this has been.
Thank you Lord.....

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